DCSD releases updated COVID data
April 16, 2021
Decorah Community School District is committed to providing transparent, accurate data regarding cases of isolation and/or quarantining related to COVID-19 while maintaining the confidentiality of students and staff. On September 18, the Iowa Department of Public Health and Iowa Department of Education released guidance to school districts and local public health agencies detailing communication of COVID-19 related data.
The Iowa Department of Public Health guidance can be found here.

Summary Positive COVID-19
- Of approximately 290 Staff – Thirty-one (31) positive COVID-19, Thirty-one (31) recovered
- Of approximately 1575 On-site students – One hundred-twenty (120) positive COVID-19, One hundred-seventeen (117) recovered
County and District Trend Data
The graphs below reflect county and district data taken each Tuesday and Thursday since school began.

In his weekly message to families, Superintendent Mark Lane shared, “As I look at our events calendar for this weekend and see the sixth grade musical, prom, and State FFA Convention, I am thrilled for the students who get to engage in these events. Thank you to our staff and students who have engaged in the planning, practice, and work that allows these events to happen.”