The Iowa Department of Education has established an Iowa MTSS framework to support decision making and continuous improvement in Iowa’s schools. The framework supports the evidence-based implementation of universal instruction for all and intervention for those needing extras help. More specifically, the Iowa MTSS framework endorses the implementation of the PBIS framework to provide social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health (SEBMH) services and supports for all students. Decorah Community School District utilizes these frameworks to provide district and building-wide systems, determine building staffing needs, and provide specific services for students and families.

Proactive Measures to Help Our Students Succeed

Decorah Schools offers a wide range of services to assist with increasing appropriate and decreasing inappropriate behavior amongst our students. We take a positive, proactive approach to teaching students the behaviors that will allow them to be successful in school including PBIS across the elementary and Zones of Regulation at the middle school and high school. The elementary utilizes the Second Step social-emotional curriculum and lessons provided by the guidance counselor to promote appropriate behaviors and the learning of social skills. The middle school integrates lessons within Primetime, while the high school does so during Homeroom sessions.

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) and Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Behavior Intervention Plans are sometimes developed for students who require a more personalized approach. Parents are an integral part of developing the BIP. Other team members may include outside therapists, extended family, and Keystone Area Education Agency staff. BIPs can be written for students in general education as well as those in special education.

All District Staff

  • Promote positive, intentional, relationship-building interactions with students
  • Reflect on teaching strategies & their impact on all student learners
  • Commit to creating a safe & supportive culture and climate for all students


The Social, Academic, Emotional, Behavioral Risk Screener (SAEBRS) is a brief and efficient tool for universal screening of student risk for social-emotional and behavioral problems for students in Grades K through 12. Decorah Schools began using SAEBRS with students during the 2020-2021 school year.