DHS Vocal Music Department Presents Winter Concert Monday, December 16
The Decorah High School Music Department will present a winter choral concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 16 in the DHS auditorium. The concert will feature Ninth Grade Bass Clef Choir, Ninth Grade Treble Clef Choir, Viking Chorus, and Concert Choir.
Audience members will hear music by Michael Praetorius, Linda Spevacek, Roger Emerson, Laura Hawley, Lodovico da Viadana, Elaine Hagenberg, and Michael Engelhardt. Featured songs include “Popular” from Wicked; folk songs from Israel, South Africa, and the United States; along with arrangements of familiar seasonal pieces. The concert will conclude with Concert Choir and alumni singing Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” – a DHS tradition.
The DHS Madrigal Singers will perform carols in the auditorium beginning at 7:10 p.m. Conductors for the concert are Jason Rausch and Dean Beckman, and collaborative pianist is Lani Himegarner. Guest percussionists are Liam Chamberlain, Natalie Goodner, and Chris Hadley. The public is warmly invited to attend.

Concert Choir

Viking Chorus

Ninth grade choirs