Friluftsliv Klubb (K-2nd Grade)

Tuesday, February 04, 2025
3:15 pm

This is an in-person class held at Vesterheim Folk Art School.


Let's explore the concept of friluftsliv by spending time together celebrating the outdoors. We will connect with each other and nature through walks and activities, observations and explorations, and lots of fun – all outside! There will be time to relax and enjoy the beauty around us while also learning how to live in harmony with the plants and animals in our midst. Friluftsliv is not just an activity, it's the idea of living a full outdoor life with nature at the core. Our weekly outdoor excursions will help us connect in nature to bring more peace, balance, and well-being to our lives! Plan to be outdoors in Vesterheim Heritage Park or on nearby trails as much as possible. Please dress for all weather. An after-school snack will be provided.

Objective6AfterschoolFriluftslivKlubbforK 2students ca1c8dc5 9d4f 41a6 b2f7 f48099fcc86c

Objective6AfterschoolFriluftslivKlubbforK 2students ca1c8dc5 9d4f 41a6 b2f7 f48099fcc86c (jpeg)