Decorah High School volleyball raises funds for suicide awareness and prevention
The Decorah High School volleyball team participated in a fundraising effort for the Step UP and Reach Out Suicide Awareness Walk by pledging to donate $2.00 for every Decorah kill, dig, and ace serve occurring during the NEIC match against Charles City. Several other families also donated, and over $500 was raised for this worthy cause.
The Step UP and Reach Out Suicide Awareness Walk is important to bring friends and families together in remembrance of loved ones lost to suicide and to offer hope to those who may be struggling. All proceeds will go towards support, materials and suicide prevention education in area schools as well as local communities through Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health.

Back row (l-r): Chloe Reiser, Emma Wold, Sami Mount, Amelia Dugger, Haley Gossman, Britann Mettille, and Addison Wemark