FFA and Community Club Food Drive a Success
The Decorah FFA and Community Club members once again joined forces to organize a school-wide “food” drive to help others in their community. Students and staff donated money for this cause, knowing that a financial contribution would afford more buying power for items truly needed.
The high school students and staff donated over $2,345to the Decorah Community Food Pantry. “We always appreciate the generosity of students, staff, and even family members during this annual event,” shared Liz Fox, Community Club advisor.
“I think it’s amazing we can come together as a school to raise the buying power of 23,453 for the food pantry. It’s a wonderful tradition that I hope can be carried on throughout the years,” commented Braunwyn Darrington, FFA Food Drive Committee member.
More information about the Decorah Community Food Pantry can be found at https://www.decorahpantry.org/

Photo ID (l-r): Abbeke Jensen, Grace Stockman, Braunwyn Darrington, Camren Darling, Brooke Anfinson, Abby Northup, and Asmere Jensen