DMS Mock Trial Teams Successful at Regional Competition
Decorah Middle School’s four Mock Trial teams competed in regional competition at
Waterloo on November 9 th . The two eighth grade Decorah teams advanced to the state
tournament that will be held in Des Moines, December 2-4.
One team headed to state consists of the following students: Simon Potvin, Isaiah
Bonnet, Ellis Thompson, Kylie Zoulek, Harper Menke, Sofia Hageman, Lula McAbee,
Veda Shimek, Crosby Butler, and Austin Bohner. The other team includes Nathaniel
Crose, Charly Courtney, Rosie Burkholder, Kelbi Schuman, Noah Alexander, Robert
Davis, Abby Stevens, Ruth Kueny, Edith Marable, and June Fassbinder.
Other participants who competed are as follows: Anya Volkman, Haylyn Stowe, Avery
Garcia-Prats, Brent Burkey, Amelia Krueger, Johnny Crose, Elliana Nyanjenga, Carter
Todd, Hattie Sauer, Theo Raabe, Lilly Richmond, Emma McFarlane, Anna Bailey, Iris
Wadsworth, Abby Shaw, Niva Anderson, Elsa Propson, Logan Kuennen, Kellan McGee,
and Eben Tripp.
This year’s competition is based on the fictional civil case set in Hawkins, Iowa. In the
case, the estate of Will Byers has filed a wrongful death claim against Hawkin’s House
of Horrors (H3), alleging that the company’s negligence led to a preventable tragedy.
The case centers on the unsafe design of the haunted house, which was located
dangerously close to a highway and included hazardous elements like strobe lights that
disoriented guests. The plaintiff argues that H3 failed to take reasonable safety
precautions, contributing to Will Byers’s death. H3 denies these allegations, claiming
they met all necessary safety standards and that Byers voluntarily assumed the risks
associated with the haunted house experience. The case will determine whether H3’s
actions were negligent, and if they were a substantial factor in causing Byers’ fatal
A large number of Decorah students earned outstanding witness and attorney
nominations from judges. Outstanding Attorney Award winners include Rosie
Burkholder, Kelbi Schuman, Robert Davis, Sofia Hageman, Simon Potvin, Kylie
Zoulek, Brent Burkey, Johnny Crose, Amelia Krueger, and Kellan McGee. Outstanding
Witness Award winners include Rosie Burkholder, Austin Bohner, Veda Shimek, Brent
Burkey, Theo Raabe, Elliana Nyanjenga, Iris Wadsworth, Emma McFarlane, and Lilly
“I am proud of how great the students competed. The day was filled with challenges, and
the students responded to each one to ensure their trials were successful,” commented
Mock Trial Coach Dana Hogan.
Many mentors and experts assisted the DMS students in preparing for Mock Trial
competition, including attorney Jeremy Thompson, attorney Andrew Casper, attorney
John Anderson, attorney Bekah Krueger, and attorney Jacob Stock. Retired Extended
Learning Program Teacher Carole Sand shared her mock trial expertise with students
through the season. Numerous high school students also volunteered as high school
coaches and mentors to assist students with writing and delivery. Teams are coached by
Dana Hogan and Scott Boylen. Mock Trial is part of the DMS Extended Learning Program.

DMS Mock Trial State Bound Potvin:
Row One: Simon Potvin, Isaiah Bonnet, Ellis Thompson, Kylie Zoulek
Row Two: Harper Menke, Sofia Hageman, Lula McAbee, Veda Shimek
Row Three: Crosby Butler, Austin Bohner

DMS Mock Trial State Bound Crose:
Row One: Nathaniel Crose, Charly Courtney, Rosie Burkholder, Kelbi Schuman
Row Two: Noah Alexander, Robert Davis, Abby Stevens, Ruth Kueny, Edith Marable, June Fassbinder

DMS Regional Mock Trial Volkman:
Row One: Anya Volkman, Haylyn Stowe, Avery Garcia-Prats, Brent Burkey, Amelia Krueger
Row Two: Johnny Crose, Elliana Nyanjenga, Carter Todd, Hattie Sauer, Theo Raabe

DMS Regional Mock Trial Richmond: Lilly Richmond, Emma McFarlane, Anna Bailey, Iris Wadsworth, Abby Shaw, Niva Anderson, Elsa Propson, Logan Kuennen, Kellan McGee, Eben Tripp