Decorah High School National Honor Society Inducts 63 New Members
The Decorah High School chapter of the National Honor Society inducted 63 new members during its annual induction ceremony Thursday, February 3, at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium
This year’s program included speeches by the NHS officers: Ruby Sullivan, Anya Lovstuen, Ellie Luzum, Mikiah Krieg, and Haywood Stowe. Music featured included an orchestra ensemble and a performance by the Madrigal Singers.
In order to be inducted into National Honor Society, a student must have maintained a 3.5 grade point average and is selected by a committee of faculty members on the basis of leadership, scholarship, character, and service to others.
The new National Honor Society senior inductees for this year are Melia Kruse, Kendall McCain, Sage Wedmann, and Riley Wilson.
The new National Honor Society junior inductees include Julia Alberts, Rebecca Anderson, Kyleigh Batterson, Justin Berlage, Lange Betts, Isabella Bishop, Ethan Bockman, Hailey Bohr, Hailey Bower, Rebecca Bruening, Lydia Caddell, Leslie Campbell, Sophia Christman, Amelia Dugger, Bryar Duwe, Ella Grouws, Sydney Hageman, Nev Kairi Harper, Jenna Hartz, Dahlyn Headington, Madison Heim, Erik Hjelle, Ethan Holthaus, Grace Hoyland, Amy Jensen, Alexandra Kane, Jackson Knoke, Brinley Krivachek, Sally Laybourn, Franklin Lesmeister, Ada Lovelace, Jacob Magner, Britann Mettille, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Sami Mount, Nathaniel Myers, Grace Neal, Michael Njus, Kortni O’Connell, Kylie O’Hara, Julia Phillips, Mya Redenius, Chloe Reiser, Ellen Rooney, Autumn Schaller, Thea Schissel, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Mairi Sessions, Annalise Skrade, Daniel Skrade, Ethan Stravers, Gareth Sweet, Jaden Weis, Addison Wemark, Paige Werner, Max Wilson, and Emma Wold.
The current National Honor Society members are Grace Bachelder, Koryn Bakken, Drew Berns, Brielle Buresh, Emily Carolan, Andrew Chamberlain, Elizabeth Clement, Isaac Cooper, Morgan Dlhy, Izaak Eichinger, Dylan Elsbernd, Landan Folkedahl, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Kolten Gossman, Wyatt Hackman, Abby Halverson, Arlo Hayes, Dalton Hemesath, Karen Henriquez, Kaya Hines, Joseph Hjelle, Mara Holland, Bradyn Hook, Emma Humpal, Brendan Hunter, Nolan Jacobsen, Lauren Johnson, Mikiah Krieg, Paige Lange, Anya Lovstuen, Ellie Luzum, Connor Maki, MiKenna Martin, Miranda Miller, Dylan Muhlbauer, Simon Mumford, Thomas Ostlie, Mara Pankow, Allison Pavlovec, Jacob Pipho, Ashley Schneberger, Tyler Shedinger, Larsson Shockey, Hogan Smith, Alexandra Stammeyer, Kassidy Steines, Emmit Stemper, Haywood Stowe, Ruby Sullivan, Keenan Tyler, Drew White, Addae Whitsitt, and Brody Young.
Liz Fox and Shannon Horton are the faculty advisors of the Decorah chapter of the National Honor Society at Decorah High School.

Front row (l-r): Lange Betts, Justin Berlage, Kyleigh Batterson, Rebecca Anderson, Julia Alberts, Riley Wilson, Sage Wedmann, Kendall McCain, and Melia Kruse
Second row (l-r): Amelia Dugger, Sophia Christman, Leslie Campbell, Lydia Caddell, Rebecca Bruening, Hailey Bower, Ethan Bockman, and Isabella Bishop
Third row (l-r): Ethan Holthaus, Erik Hjelle, Madison Heim, Dahlyn Headington, Jenna Hartz, Nev Kairi Harper, Sydney Hageman, Ella Grouws, and Bryar Duwe
Fourth row (l-r): Jacob Magner, Ada Lovelace, Franklin Lesmeister, Sally Laybourn, Brinley Krivachek, Jackson Knoke, Alexandra Kane, Amy Jensen, and Grace Hoyland
Fifth row (l-r): Kylie O’Hara, Kortni O’Connell, Michael Njus, Grace Neal, Nathaniel Myers, Sami Mount, Morgan Moen, Rachel Mikkelson, and Britann Mettille
Sixth row (l-r): Mairi Sessions, Hannah Schnitzler, Carter Schmelzer, Thea Schissel, Autumn Schaller, Ellen Rooney, Chloe Reiser, Mya Redenius, and Julia Phillips
Last row (l-r): Emma Wold, Max Wilson, Paige Werner, Addison Wemark, Jaden Weis, Gareth Sweet, Daniel Skrade, and Annalise Skrade
Missing from picture: Ethan Stravers