Decorah Elementary Students Spread Holiday Cheer
Throughout December, Decorah elementary students have been busy sharing holiday cheer throughout the community. Transitional kindergarten (TK) through 4th grade students created holiday cards and decorations for residents at local nursing homes and shared holiday songs during a visit. Several of the third-grade classes recently participated in Holidays with Heroes. They visited our local heroes from the police station, sheriff’s department, fire station, and city hall and shared holiday songs and cookies. Facilitator of Social Emotional Behavioral Health and Family and Community Partnerships Shanna Putnam Dibble stated, “Our educators work hard throughout the year to teach, model, practice, and promote Viking Pride, which is all about being respectful, responsible, and safe at school, at home, and throughout the community. These community service experiences are a great example of what Viking Pride is all about–being respectful and sharing kindness and love while serving our community!” |

1st graders share holiday songs with residents at Aase Haugen

4th graders sing holiday songs and decorations with residents at Aase Haugen

Holiday Heroes: sharing holiday songs and cookies with local heroes #1

Holiday Heroes: sharing holiday songs and cookies with local heroes #2

Holiday cookies for Mayor Borowski

Sharing holiday cookies with police officers

Treats from sheriff office staff