DHS Envirothon Team Wins Exceptional Merit Award
The accolades continue to roll in for Lucas Arendt, Connor Evelsizer, Gabriel Hiner, Aidan Nalean-Carlson, and Anders Lovstuen, members of Decorah High School Envirothon team DNR. After winning first place two years in a row at state competition, the team competed in international competition. This summer they finished in a very respectful 13th place in New York, improving from a 19th place finish last year in New Brunswick. They also were just awarded the Exceptional Merit Award, given to teams who demonstrated exceptional teamwork, outstanding spirit, and other remarkable qualities at the 2024 National Conservation Foundation-Envirothon Annual Competition.
The officials had this to say about team DNR: “Iowa exemplified great teamwork throughout the competition. They supported and looked after each other no matter what. They acted as a cohesive unit, showing what it means to be a team. For being an exceptionally kind and courteous team, they are granted the Exceptional Merit Award.” Teams from four other states also won this award.
Advisor Larry Berland remarked, “This honor is very well-deserved. These students worked so well as a team. It has been a real pleasure to work with these individuals throughout the years.”

Photo ID (l-r): Team DNR members Connor Evelsizer, Aidan Nalean-Carlson, Lucas Arendt, Anders Lovstuen, and Gabriel Hiner