The Decorah Buildings & Grounds department is responsible for providing a clean, healthy, and safe learning environment for district students, staff, and the community. The Buildings & Grounds staff maintain all of the district grounds and activity facilities, oversees custodial work, and preventive maintenance. This department is also responsible for overseeing Capital Improvement and construction projects.
Operations, Maintenance, and Custodial Services
Facility Usage/Reservations
Whether you are reserving a room other than your regular classroom for a school-day activity, after school meeting, or are a community group requesting to utilize a gymnasium or auditorium, please use Decorah’s Facility Request System to ensure availability.
Login to Facility Request System
School Safety
Decorah Community School District takes safety and security very seriously. Providing a safe place for our students, educators, and staff to work and learn is essential to the success of our program. Read more about our safety and security measures here.
Director of Buildings and Grounds – Kurtis Johnson
- (563) 380-2261
Director of Technology and Information Services – Shawn Gordon
- (563) 382-4208
- Email Shawn Gordon