Business Management & Administration helps to prepare students to master the knowledge and skills needed to function as citizens, consumers, employees, managers, business owners, and directors of their economic futures through the study of accounting, business law, career development, communication, computation, economics, personal finance, entrepreneurship, information technology, international business, management, and marketing.
Standards and Benchmarks
Business Administration
Business Administration Standards
Finding More Information on Performance Indicators
Updated Business Administration Standards Tool
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Financial Literacy within 21st Century Skills of the Iowa Core
Business Management & Administration Courses
- Accounting I 10-12
- Accounting II 11-12
- Business & Marketing Communications 12
- Business & Finance 12
- Business Law 11-12
- General Business 9-10
- Information Computing
- Work-Based Learning 11-12
Instructor – Caleb Barnes
- (563) 382-3643
- Email Caleb Barnes